8 January 2010

ExperimentWithOilPastels / ExperimentMitÖlkreiden


Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the new technique ! It's very burlesque-ish !

Winnie said...

I love Oil pastels. Reminds me of French art around the time of Toulouse Lautrec....!

Lara Maria said...

hey, do u sell paintings ? if so please contact me contact@belleonearth.de thanks

Carmen said...

omg. we just stumbled upon yr site and are in luv. yr drawings are beautiful!!! can't wait to see more!

if ever yr in need of some more model inspiration...


<3 modelinia

Hannah said...

oil pastels are so great to use! this is a really cool piece.

Mimi said...

Hey Kat!
Ich bin gerade über les mads auf deinen Blog gestoßen und bin wirklich beeindruckt.
Deine Bilder sind einfach wunderbar.Hättest du Interesse an einem Feature auf meinem Blog?



Elena said...

Wow, it´s amaizing!!!!


Blog de la Vogue said...

oh wow .. sooooo schööön !!

Follow me http://fairelesgrandsmagasins.blogspot.com/


Unknown said...

I abolutely love thi on, Kat!So rich in color and so "french chic" I would say. Can not wait to see more of this techinique!

You have asked me what happens to the hats that are not used for the shows. Well, sadly, a lot of them get destroyed. Very rarely, in cases when it is difficult to recreate the dsign by memorie, unued hats get stored in the archives.I, peronally, store all my hats even if the design is less than perfect.I am wishing you the most wonderful weekend!:-)

Tea with Edith said...

I like the blue shorts featured in that collection, the other things are a bit to average.

Your header is fab1
Is it you who have been up to some painting in the post? It´s well good.