3 August 2011

Queen / Königin

pencil, crayon, pastel chalk, oil pastel
Bleistift, Buntstift, Pastellkreide, Ölkreide


Natalia | Look-A-Porter said...

Oh those EYES!!! Love. x

AZ said...

Hi - I need your email address to send you an inquiry on a job request. Please let me know immediately!

Johanna Urban said...

Hello girly!

I grant “The Sunshine Award 2011” to you for your stunning art blog

The rules:
- Thank the person who gave you this award.
- Write a post about it.
- Answer to the questions below.
- Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them know.

The questions:
01. Your favorite color?
02. Your favorite animal?
03. Your favorite number?
04. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
05. You join facebook or twitter?
06. What’s your passion?
07. What´s your favorite: getting or giving presents?
08. Your favorite pattern?
09. Your favorite day of the week?
10. Your favorite flower?

Sherrie Cola said...

Lovely :)

xiao said...

i love love it! as always you are so talented!

Cathy of Eye Puffiness said...

Nice piece of art! How i wish i could also do the same thing.